Nemzetközi diákkonferencia a holokausztról a KRE BTK-n szeptemberben

"Witnessing Responses": A New Generation's Perspectives on the Holocaust címmel nemzetközi konferenciát szervez a Károli Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kara szeptember 9-12 között

Tentative program for the international student conference

„Witnessing Responses": A New Generation's Perspectives on the Holocaust

Károli Gáspár University of the Hungarian Reformed Church

Budapest, Hungary

September 9-12, 2009.


Wednesday, September 9.

4 PM-5 PM: Registration

Károli Gáspár University, Faculty of Humanities

1088 Budapest, Reviczky utca 4. Room 100. (Díszterem)

5 PM - 5:30: Opening of the Conference

Prof. István Szabó, Bishop of the Hungarian Reformed Church

Dr. Péter Feldmájer, President of the Confederation of the Jewish Communities in Hungary

Prof. András Szabó, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities

Prof. Tibor Fabiny, Head of the Department of English Languages and Cultures

Dr. Katalin G. Kállay, Associate Prof., Organizer of the Conference

5:30- 5:45: Tea, Coffee and Refreshments

5:45- 6:45: Opening Lecture

Professor Peter Kenéz and Professor Murray Baumgarten

University of California, Santa Cruz, U.S.A.

6:45 - 7 PM: Tea, Coffee and Refreshments

7 PM - 7:30:  Concert of the Budapest Klezmer Band

7:30 - 9PM:  Reception in the Club „Pinceklub" of the University


Thursday, September 10

For this day, the conference site is the Faculty of Theology of Károli Gáspár University,

1092 Budapest, Ráday utca 28. „Díszterem", Conference Room

9-10:15: Sessions (3 x 15-minute presentations and 30 minutes for q. and a.)

10:15-10: 30: Tea, Coffee and Refreshments

10:30- 11: 45: Sessions

11:45- 1:30: Lunch break

1:30- 3 PM: Sessions for graduate students

3-6PM: Historic walk in the Jewish quarter of Budapest, (Míra Hervay and Zachor Foundation)

6 PM- 7 PM: Reception at the Confederation of Jewish Communities in Hungary (Síp u. 12)

8 PM - 9 PM : Mária Földes: The Walk - Monodrama performed by Judit Havas,

(at the conference site, Faculty of Theology)


Friday, September 11

For this day, the conference site is the Budapest Holocaust Memorial Center (H-1094 Budapest, Páva utca 39)

10 - 12: Visit to the exhibition

12 - 1: Discussion of the exhibition with the Educational Director, Katalin Pécsi and her colleagues, Mihály Riszovannij and György Vári

1 - 2: Lunch break

2 - 3:15: Moshe Galili, artist and survivor of the Holocaust presents a screening of his paintings

3:15--3:30: Tea, Coffee and Refreshments

3:30 - 3:45: Student presentation on the translation project of Aranka Siegal's book, Upon the Head of the Goat, Nóra D. Nagy, Márta Fekete, Míra Hervay, Zsófia Tóth

3:45-4:15: Discussion of the book with the author and special guest of the conference, Aranka Siegal

4:15 - 4:45: Discussion of the questions of translation with translator and Holocaust survivor, Éva Baik

4:45 -- 5PM: Tea, Coffee and Refreshments

5 PM-6:30: Professors' Round table talk I.

Convenor: Professor Emily Miller Budick, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

6:30 - 7:30 PM: Dinner Break

7:30 - 9: Film screening and discussion: András Salamon: „Tell Your Children" and Richárd Schuster: „Babszi"


Saturday, September 12

The conference site for this day is DOCETE Christian Educational Center, 1056 Budapest, Váci utca 47.

9 - 10:15: Sessions

10:15 - 10:30: Tea, Coffee and Refreshments

10:30 - 11:45: Sessions

11:45 - 1: 30: Lunch break

1:30 - 2:45: Sessions

2:45 - 3 PM: Tea, Coffee and Refreshments

3 - 4: 15: Sessions

4:15 - 4:30: Tea, Coffee and Refreshments

4:30 -- 6 PM: Professors' Round-table talk II.

Convenor: Professor Asher Milbauer, Florida International University, U.S.A.

7 - 7:30: Concert: Fourtissimo Music Group

at the Faculty of Theology, 1092 Budapest, Ráday utca 28, „Díszterem"

7: 30 - 9: Farewell Reception

at the Faculty of Theology, 1092 Budapest, Ráday utca 28.