Our Hungarian Reformed Values to be kept and transmitted

“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10) At the foot of the Vértes mountain in the ancient Hungarian Reformed Congregation of Csákvár the regular annual Theological and Leadership Convention of the West European Hungarian Reformed Pastoral Service (WEHRPS) was held July 18th- 21st .

At the opening sermon a particular atmosphere was created by performance of the singer Elek János Mészáros, holder of the distinguished Simándy price. Choosing this historic location in Hungary the WEHRPS reaffirmed its commitment to the Hungarian-Hungarian’s dialogue, as this Organization in Western Europe follows a different path ever since World War 2nd compared to those of reformed churches in the Carpathian Basin.
The predication of the Word in Hungarian as mother tongue in the large European Hungarian diaspora is the continuing challenge for this pastoral service ever since its creation in 1944 by the initiative of Bishop László Ravasz and the General Convent of the Hungarian Reformed Church, functioning as an autonomous ecclesiastical institution since 1957 independently of the Hungarian Reformed Churches in the Carpathian Basin. In the perspective of the ever increasing European migration processes, the permanently growing Hungarian Reformed diaspora has been considered as one of the top priorities for the WEHRP. In order to keep its existence and identity in the future, the continuous challenge is serving the communities of the Hungarian Diaspora, with experience for seven decades in the past, makes the WEHRPS being a qualified expert organization to fulfill the continuing aim of such a work, declaring that ‘Christ was, remains and will always be our hope’! In this field of activities genuine support is expected in the future by the political authorities and the Reformed churches in the Carpathian Basin. The predication of the Word in mother tongue by vocation, mutually respecting the other parts’ opinions makes “continuing the fight fought by our ancestors, transforming it into peace through memories and settling finally our common problems, that is our work, not any less” (At the Danube, by Attila József, 1936). The WEHRPS expressed solidarity with the Hungarian Reformed churches living and continuing their services in the Carpathian Basin. Manifesting and referring to the respect of Western democratic principles, our right to claim back ancient patrimony was considered. The WEHRPS did condemned the recent regionalization drive in Transylvania considering it directed against the autonomy aspirations and destruction of the departments of the Sekler population. The same position was taken with regard to the case of the Sekler reformed Mikó College of Sepsiszentgyörgy. The recently created Romanian law on restitution of church properties was condemned as unjust as well. Participants from seven Western European countries were present and taking part in the debates representatives from Hungary, Slovakia, Carpathian Ukraine, Romania and Serbia in addition. Reports from the congregations and their actual problems were discussed in an all-Hungarian perspective as well. The central topic was devoted to The Global Reformed Tasks – A Long Range Evaluation of Activities in the Hungarian Spiritual Homeland aimed to be clarified in a one day symposium on Saturday, July 20th. Invited speakers did include: József Steinbach, Bishop of the Transdanubian Church District and Chairman of the Ecumenical Council Churches in Hungary, who analyzed the spiritual bases of our mission. Professor in history, László Tökéczky, Layman President of the Danubian Church District, reviewed the European perspectives of our mission from the point of view of the Church in Hungary, whereas Miklós Tóth, the Secretary of the WEHRPS, spoke about the European and world perspectives of our mission from the European point of view. Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Hungarian Reformed World Federation’ foundation, László Tökés member of the European Parliament evoked eventually the perspective of the worldwide Hungarian Reformed diaspora. With worship and communion on Sunday July 21st presided by Géza Erdélyi, bishop emeritus of the Hungarian Reformed Church in Slovakia, President of the Consultative Council of Hungarian Reformed Churches, the closing sermon will remain a long lasting memory by contribution of the Choir Kálmán Csomasz Tóth from Székesfehérvár and the sacral music performed by the Air Force Band.

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